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QingdaoHi-Tech Moulds Co.,Ltd was founded in January2004 with a registered capital of 50.6 million RMB and a total investment of350 million RMB. The total area of the company is 53,360 square meters,including 36,000 square meters of plant area. The company passed the ISO 9001quality management system certification in 2006, and the ISO 14001environmental management system certification and OHSAS 18001 occupationalhealth and safety management system certification in 2017. Since theestablishment of the company, we adhere to technology and management innovationand provide customers with excellent tool development and professionalproject management services through the advanced technology and equipment,scientific and effective management 

  • 大眾
  • 奧迪
  • 福特
  • 奔馳
  • 寶馬
  • Toyouta
  • 雪鐵龍
  • 馬自達
  • 奇瑞
  • 現代
  • 沃爾沃
  • 一汽
  • 起亞
  • 江淮汽車